Bounding Box Annotation Services
Bounding Box Annotation Services - Accurate & Scalable

At GTS, we are at the forefront of AI dataset annotation, providing our clients with accurate and high-quality bounding box annotations. Bounding box annotation, a fundamental technique in computer vision, involves encapsulating objects within rectangular frames, allowing AI models to identify and locate objects within images.

80+ Countries
250+ Projects

Fields We Serve:


Applications of Bounding Box Annotation:

Bounding box annotations play a pivotal role in several applications:

  1. Object Detection: Identifying various objects within a single image, crucial for surveillance and autonomous driving.
  2. Image Classification: Assigning a label to an image based on the primary object encapsulated by the bounding box.
  3. Object Tracking: Following the movement of specific objects over consecutive frames in videos.
  4. Robotics: Enabling robots to recognize and interact with objects in their environment.
  5. Augmented Reality: Enhancing real-world views by overlaying relevant digital information on recognized objects.

ADAS systems and autonomous driving

Our bounding box annotation services cater to a plethora of industries, including but not limited to:

Automotive: For ADAS systems and autonomous driving, where detecting vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles is vital.
Retail: Automated checkout systems and inventory management through object recognition.
Healthcare: Detection of medical abnormalities in imaging like X-rays and MRIs.
Agriculture: Identifying crop diseases, pests, and assessing crop health.
Security and Surveillance: Real-time threat detection and monitoring.
Drones: Object tracking and landscape analysis for both commercial and recreational drone use.

Discover Excellence in Bounding Box Annotation with Us.

Our team of expert annotators, combined with cutting-edge tools, ensures annotations of the highest precision. With GTS, clients can expect:

  • Scalability: Handling large-scale projects without compromising on quality.
  • Accuracy: Our rigorous quality assurance process guarantees impeccable annotations.
  • Custom Solutions: We tailor our services to the unique requirements of each project, ensuring optimum results.
  • Data Security: We prioritize your data’s safety, ensuring it remains confidential and protected at all times.

ADAS Image and Video Annotation Services

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